Cancer, heart disease and other serious accidents and illnesses are things we do not think about until they are upon us. As a businessperson these events can have a devastating impact on your employees, their families and the rest of your workforce. The supplemental plans we offer are designed to eliminate the financial stress and strain associated with battling a serious illness and recovering from injuries. We often do not anticipate the costs such as lost income, travel and lodging expenses, deductibles and co-payments (which are all in addition to regular living expenses) until it is too late. With our plans you are able to pay in addition to any other insurance, pay benefits directly to the claimant, refund premiums if the plan is not used and are offered at no cost to your company. These features make it something that many business owners are taking out for themselves and making available to their employees. This can even be administered without using your company’s payroll system. It is very simple!
Member Since: 2023