Tatyana Gluzberg, M.D., Ph.D.

“As an Integrative Physician, my philosophy of care is personalized medicine, where spending more time with my patients means I can address their whole health for their whole life, and develop long-term relationships with my patients, centered on personalized care. My emphasis is on preventing chronic diseases through integration, education, and lifestyle changes.”

Vitality: the state of being strong and in great health

MD Services & Sessions

Dr. Gluzberg believes that excellent healthcare can be achieved only through one-on-one interaction and individualized care that is centered on you - the patient.

Revolutionary Technologies

ZERONA: Non-invasive fat loss laser

Zerona is the only clinically-proven, non-invasive body contouring treatment for overall body circumference that is measurable.

How does Zerona work?

Zerona targets your stubborn fat areas and painlessly emulsifies the fat under your skin. Your body removes the fat from the area.

How is Zerona different?

Zerona Shrinks Fat Cells Instead of Killing Them Making it Safer & More Effective.

The Ultimate Lymphatic Drainage

Your lymphatic health should be one of your top health goals, as it plays a crucial role in every aspect of well-being, including ensuring a robust immune system and your body’s ability to lose body fat.

By using a combination of compression, PEMF, far infrared heat and deep pressure, FLOWpresso supports lymphatic drainage and the opening of the body’s detoxing pathways.

Click on the video below to learn more.


ZAAZ© and STYKU© are two of the many advanced technologies we employ in supporting our clients’ personal wellness goals.

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Burn fat, build muscle tone, increase range of motion and relieve stress and pain in muscles and joints using Whole Body Vibration (WBV) technology.

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Non-invasive body scanner that automates measuring process, estimates metabolic rate and calorie expenditure, provides interactive 3D visuals, and more.